Biographical note
Keke Gai is a professor at the School of Cyberspace Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, China. With over a decade of experience serving on editorial boards, publishing books, and writing peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, he has developed a passion for various research areas, including cybersecurity, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), privacy-preserving computation, centralized identity, and cloud computing.
Jing Yu is an associate professor with the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is an expert in cutting-edge fields of cybersecurity, including AI security, visual question answering, visual dialogue, and cross-modal information retrieval.
Liehuang Zhu is a full professor with the School of Cyberspace Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology. He is an academic explorer in a few frontier areas, such as blockchain, space network, and advanced cryptographic applications.