During the IFAC/IFIP I-ESA international conference, supported by the INTEROP NoE and the ATHENA IP, three workshops and a doctoral symposium were organized in order to strengthen some key topics related to interoperability for enterprise applications and software. The workshops were selected to complement the conference topics, providing researchers with more time to brainstorm and then to come out, at the end of the workshops, with new research directions for the future.
Les mer
During the IFAC/IFIP I-ESA international conference, supported by the INTEROP NoE and the ATHENA IP, three workshops and a doctoral symposium were organized in order to strengthen some key topics related to interoperability for enterprise applications and software.
Les mer
Editorial. EI2N 2nd International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking. Session 1: UEML for Enterprise Applications Interoperability. Session 2: Ontologies for Applications Interoperability. Session 3: Collaborative and Networked Enterprise Interoperability. WSI 2nd International Workshop on Web Services and Interoperability. Session 1: Model Driven Architectures. Session 2: Web Services for Interoperability. IS-TSPQ 1st International Workshop on Interoperability Solutions to Trust, Security, Policies and QoS for Enhanced Enterprise Systems. Session 1: A Business and Requirements View. Session 2: Infrastructure Provision. I-ESA '2006 Doctorial Symposium. Session 1: Model Driven Development. Session 2: Business Process Modelling. Session 3: Software Development and Interoperability. Session 4: Enterprise Modelling and Knowledge Management. Index of Authors.
Les mer
During the IFAC/IFIP I-ESA international conference, supported by the INTEROP NoE and the ATHENA IP, three workshops and a doctoral symposium were organized in order to strengthen some key topics related to interoperability for enterprise applications and software. The workshops were selected to complement the conference topics, providing researchers with more time to brainstorm and then to come out, at the end of the workshops, with new research directions for the future.
Les mer
Editorial. EI2N 2nd International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking. Session 1: UEML for Enterprise Applications Interoperability. Session 2: Ontologies for Applications Interoperability. Session 3: Collaborative and Networked Enterprise Interoperability. WSI 2nd International Workshop on Web Services and Interoperability. Session 1: Model Driven Architectures. Session 2: Web Services for Interoperability. IS-TSPQ 1st International Workshop on Interoperability Solutions to Trust, Security, Policies and QoS for Enhanced Enterprise Systems. Session 1: A Business and Requirements View. Session 2: Infrastructure Provision. I-ESA '2006 Doctorial Symposium. Session 1: Model Driven Development. Session 2: Business Process Modelling. Session 3: Software Development and Interoperability. Session 4: Enterprise Modelling and Knowledge Management. Index of Authors.
Les mer


ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc
717 gr
240 mm
164 mm
23 mm
P, 06
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Product format
Antall sider

Biographical note

Hervé Panetto, University Henri Poincaré Nancy I, Research Centre for Automatic Control, France Nacer Boudjlida, LORIA, University of Nancy, France

Nacer Boudjlida, Nancy University, CNRS, France