Biographical note
Pandian Vasant is a senior lecturer at University of Technology Petronas, Malaysia and an Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE). He holds PhD in Computational Intelligence (UNEM, Costa Rica), MSc (University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia, Engineering Mathematics) and BSc (Hons, Second Class Upper) in Mathematics (University of Malaya, Malaysia). His research interests include Soft Computing, Hybrid Optimization, Innovative Computing and Applications. He has co-authored research articles in journals, conference proceedings, presentation, special issues guest editor, book chapters (257 publications indexed in SCOPUS) and General Chair of EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering in Penang, Malaysia (2016) and Bangkok, Thailand (2018). In the year 2009 and 2015, Dr. Pandian Vasant was awarded top reviewer and outstanding reviewer for the journal Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier). He has 30 years of working experiences atthe universities. Currently he is an Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Energy Optimization & Engineering, and Member of AMS (USA), NAVY Research Group (TUO, Czech Republic) and MERLIN Research Group (TDTU, Vietnam). H-Index Google Scholar = 33; i-10-index = 107.Ivan Zelinka is currently working at the Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TU), Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He graduated consequently at Technical University in Brno (1995 – MSc.), UTB in Zlin (2001 – PhD) and again at Technical University in Brno (2004 – assoc. prof.) and VSB-TU (2010 - professor). Before academic career, he was an employed like TELECOM technician, computer specialist (HW+SW) and Commercial Bank (computer and LAN supervisor). During his career at UTB, he proposed and opened 7 different lectures. He also has been invited for lectures at numerous universities in different EU countries plus the role of the keynote speaker at the Global Conference on Power, Control and Optimization in Bali, Indonesia (2009), Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems (2011), Halkidiki, Greece and IWCFTA 2012, Dalian China. The field of his expertise if mainly on unconventional algorithms and cybersecurity. He is and was responsible supervisor of 3 grant of fundamental research of Czech grant agency GAČR, co-supervisor of grant FRVŠ - Laboratory of parallel computing. He was also working on numerous grants and two EU project like a member of the team (FP5 - RESTORM) and supervisor (FP7 - PROMOEVO) of the Czech team and supervisor of international research (founded by TACR agency) focused on the security of mobile devices (Czech - Vietnam). Currently, he is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and in total, he has been the supervisor of more than 40 MSc. and 25 Bc. diploma thesis. Ivan Zelinka is also supervisor of doctoral students including students from the abroad. He was awarded by Siemens Award for his PhD thesis, as well as by journal Software newsfor his book about artificial intelligence. Ivan Zelinka is a member of British Computer Society, Editor in chief of Springer book series: Emergence, Complexity and Computation, Editorial board of Saint Petersburg State University Studies in Mathematics, a few international program committees of various conferences and international journals. He is the author of journal articles as well as of books in Czech and English language and one of three founders of TC IEEE on big data. He is also head of research group NAVY.