The 11th Information Security Conference (ISC 2008) was held in Taipei, T- wan, September 15-18,2008. ISC is an annual international conference covering researchintheoryandapplicationsofinformationsecurity.Itwas?rstinitiatedas a workshop(ISW) in Japan in 1997.This was followed by ISW 1999 in Malaysia and ISW 2000 in Australia. ISW became ISC when it was held in Spain in 2001 (ISC2001).ThelatestconferenceswereheldinBrazil(ISC2002),UK(ISC2003), USA(ISC2004),Singapore(ISC2005),Greece(ISC2006),andChile(ISC2007). ThisyeartheeventwassponsoredbytheChineseCryptologyandInformation- curity Association (Taiwan), the Taiwan Information Security Center of the - searchCenterforITInnovation(AcademiaSinica,Taiwan),theNationalTaiwan UniversityofScience andTechnology(Taiwan),the NTUCenterfor Information and Electronics Technologies(Taiwan), Academia Sinica (Taiwan), the National ScienceCouncil(Taiwan),the MinistryofEducation(Taiwan),the TaipeiCh- terofthe IEEEComputerSociety (Taiwan),BankProE-serviceTechnologyCo., Ltd.(Taiwan),ExsiorData &InformationTechnology,Inc.(Taiwan),Giga-Byte EducationFoundation(Taiwan),Hewlett-PackardTaiwan,HivocalTechnologies, Co.,Ltd.( Taiwan),MicrosoftTaiwan,PaysecureTechnologyCo.,Ltd.(Taiwan), Symlink(Taiwan),and Yahoo!TaiwanHoldingsLimited(TaiwanBranch). In order to cover the conference's broad scope, this year's main Program Committee consisted of 61 experts from 22 countries. Additionally, the c- ference also featured a special AES Subcommittee, chaired by Vincent Rijmen (Graz University of Technology, Austria). Theconferencereceived134submissions from31countries,33(including 4 in the AES special session) of which were selected by the committee members for presentation at the conference, based on quality, originality and relevance. Each paperwasanonymouslyreviewedbyatleastthreecommitteemembers.Inorderto encourageandpromotestudentparticipation,theISC2008ProgramCommittee selected three student-coauthored papers for the Best Student Paper award,one fromeachregion:Asia,Europe,andtheAmericas.Thepaperswere,respectively, "Deterministic Constructions of 21-Step Collisions for the SHA-2 Hash Family," bySomitraSanadhyaandPalashSarkar(IndianStatisticalInstitute,India),"C- lisions for RC4-Hash," by Sebastiaan Indesteege and Bart Preneel (Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven,Belgium),and"ProxyRe-signaturesintheStandardModel," byShermanS. M. Chow(New YorkUniversity,USA) andRaphaelPhan(Lou- borough University, UK). The program also included invited speeches by Doug Tygar(UC Berkeley,USA) andTatsuakiOkamoto(NTT, Japan). Many people helped to make ISC 2008 successful. We would like to thank all thosewhocontributedtothetechnicalprogramandtoorganizingtheconference.
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Constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Security Conference, ISC 2008, held in Taipei, Taiwan, September 15-18, 2008. This book contains the papers that are organized in topical sections on trusted computing, database and system security, intrusion detection, network security, and cryptanalysis.
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Trusted Computing.- Property-Based TPM Virtualization.- A Demonstrative Ad Hoc Attestation System.- Property-Based Attestation without a Trusted Third Party.- The Reduced Address Space (RAS) for Application Memory Authentication.- Database and System Security.- An Efficient PIR Construction Using Trusted Hardware.- Athos: Efficient Authentication of Outsourced File Systems.- BotTracer: Execution-Based Bot-Like Malware Detection.- Intrusion Detection.- Towards Automatically Generating Double-Free Vulnerability Signatures Using Petri Nets.- Distinguishing between FE and DDoS Using Randomness Check.- Network Security.- Antisocial Networks: Turning a Social Network into a Botnet.- Compromising Anonymity Using Packet Spinning.- Behavior-Based Network Access Control: A Proof-of-Concept.- Path-Based Access Control for Enterprise Networks.- Cryptanalysis.- Cryptanalysis of Rabbit.- Algebraic Attack on HFE Revisited.- Revisiting Wiener’s Attack – New Weak Keys in RSA.- Deterministic Constructions of 21-Step Collisions for the SHA-2 Hash Family.- Digital Signatures.- Proxy Re-signatures in the Standard Model.- An RSA-Based (t,n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme without Any Trusted Combiner.- Certificate-Based Signature Schemes without Pairings or Random Oracles.- AES Special Session.- Improved Impossible Differential Attacks on Large-Block Rijndael.- A Five-Round Algebraic Property of the Advanced Encryption Standard.- Vortex: A New Family of One-Way Hash Functions Based on AES Rounds and Carry-Less Multiplication.- Comparative Evaluation of Rank Correlation Based DPA on an AES Prototype Chip.- Symmetric Cryptography and Hash Functions.- Collisions for RC4-Hash.- New Applications of Differential Bounds of the SDS Structure.- Authentication.- HAPADEP: Human-Assisted Pure AudioDevice Pairing.- One-Time Password Access to Any Server without Changing the Server.- Can “Something You Know” Be Saved?.- Security Protocols.- New Communication-Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocols Based on Pairings.- A New (k,n)-Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme and Its Extension.- Strong Accumulators from Collision-Resistant Hashing.- A Novel Audio Steganalysis Based on High-Order Statistics of a Distortion Measure with Hausdorff Distance.
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Security Conference, ISC 2008, held in Taipei, Taiwan, September 15-18, 2008. The 33 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 134 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on trusted computing, database and system security, intrusion detection, network security, cryptanalysis, digital signatures, AES, symmetric cryptography and hash functions, authentication as well as security protocols.
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Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K
235 mm
155 mm
Research, P, 06
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