<p><i>"This excellent, well-integrated survey of current knowledge of human factors in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is authoritatively written by many different experts....Excellent chapters are provided on advanced traveler information systems (ATIS), crash avoidance systems, commercial vehicles, automated highway systems, traffic management centers, and survey and modeling methods for evaluating the design and usability of ITS systems. A valuable, comprehensive presentation of existing human factors guidelines relevant to the design of ATIS systems is also provided. The subject and author indexes and bibliography are extensive and first-rate."</i><br />—<b><i>CHOICE</i></b></p><p><i>"...the book is full of interesting information that should be useful also to designers of intelligent transportation systems outside the United States. "<i>Human Factors in Intelligent Transportation Systems</i> provides a useful and broad overview of the subject and may serve as both a introduction to the field as well as reference for the expert."</i><br />—<b><i>Intelligence</i></b></p>