Biographical note
Sanjeev J. Wagh, working as Professor and Head in Department of Information Technology at Govt. College of Engineering, Karad. He has completed his BE (1996), ME(2000) & Ph.D. (2009) in Computer Science & Engineering from Govt. College of Engineering, Pune & Nanded. He was a full-time Post Doctorate fellow at Center for TeleInfrastructure, Aalborg University, Denmark during 2013-14. He has also completed MBA (IT) from NIBM (2015), Chennai. He has a total of 24 years of experience in academics & research. His research interest areas are Natural Science Computing, Internet technologies & Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Sciences & Analytics. He has 100+ research papers to his credit, published in International /National Journals & conferences. 4 research scholars completed their Ph.D. under his supervision from Pune University. Currently, 3 research scholars are pursuing Ph.D. under his supervision in various Indian Universities. He is a fellow member of ISTE, IETE, and a member of IEEE, ACM & CSI. He is co-editor for International Journals in Engineering & Technology. He has visited Denmark (Aalborg University, Aalborg & Copenhagen) Sweden (Gothenburg University, Gothenburg), Germany (Hamburg University, Hamburg), Norway (University of Oslo), France (the University of London Institute in Paris), China (Shanghai Technology Innovation Center Shanghai, delegation visit), Thailand (Kasetsart University, Bangkok), Mauritius (University of Technology, Port Louis) for academic & research purpose and United Kingdom (London), Italy (Rome, Tuscany, Venice, and Vatican City), Belgium (Brussels), Austria (Innsbruck, Swarovski, Egerkingen ), Switzerland (Lausanne, Zurich, Leysin, Arezzo), Liechtenstein (Vaduz) for other purposes. He authored the book "Fundamentals of Data Science" Publication by CRC Press ( Taylor & Francis Group, US) and edited the book "Handbook of Research on Applied Intelligence for Health and Clinical Informatics" Publisher: IGI Global, USA.
Manisha Sunil Bhende working as an Associate Professor in Dr. D Y Patil Institute of Engineering Management and Research, Pune. She has completed BE(1998), ME(2007), and Ph.D. (2017) in Computer Engineering from the University of Pune and a bachelor's degree from Government College of Engineering, Amravati, India. Her research interests are IoT and Wireless Networks, Network Security, Cloud Computing, Data Science and Machine learning, Data analytics, etc. She has 39 research papers/book chapters in International, National conferences and Journals. She delivered an expert talk on various domains such as Wireless Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Science, Cyber Security, IoT, Embedded and Real-Time Operating systems, IPR and Innovation, etc. She has Published 4 Patents and 3 Copyrights Received on her credit. She is a reviewer/Examiner for a Ph.D. thesis and ME dissertations for state/National universities. She is associated with Ph.D. research centres. She is working as an Editor/reviewer for various national/International repute Journals and Conferences. She is the coordinator of IQAC, IPR Cell, IIP Cell, Research Cell at the institute level. She is working as Subject Chairman for various Computer Engineering subjects under Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). She contributed to the SPPU syllabus Content designing and revision. She received the Regional young IT Professional award from CSI in 2006. She authored the book "Fundamentals of Data Science" Publication by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group, US) and edited the book "Handbook of Research on Applied Intelligence for Health and Clinical Informatics" Publisher: IGI Global, USA". She is a member of ISTE, ACM, CSI, IAENG, Internet Society, etc.
Anuradha D. Thakare received her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from SGB Amravati University, M.E. degree in Computer Engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University, and BE degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, India. He is working as a Professor in the Computer Engineering Department of Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune. Dr. Anuradha is Secretary of Institution of Engineering & Technology Pune LN, Member of IEEE and ACM. She is a Ph.D. guide in Computer Engineering at SPPU, Pune. She has been a General Chair of IEEE International Conference ICCUBEA 2018 and an Advisory member for International Conferences. She worked as a reviewer for the Journal of International Blood Research, IEEE transactions, and Scopus Journals. She is a reviewer and Examiner for Ph.D. defence for state/National universities.
She has published 78 research papers in reputed Conferences and Journals with indexing in Scopus, IEEE, Web of Science, Elsevier and Springer, etc. She received Research project grants and workshop grants from AICTE-AQIS, QIP-SPPU, BCUD-SPPU Pune, and Maharashtra State Commission for Women. She Received the Best Women Researcher Award and Best Faculty Award from International Forum on Science, Health & Engineering. She received the best paper award in International Conferences. Delivered 20 expert talks on Machine Learning, Evolutionary Algorithms, Outcome Based Education, etc. she worked with industries like DRDO, NCL, etc for research projects.
She is working as Subject Chairman for various Computer Engineering subjects under Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). She contributed to the SPPU syllabus Content designing and revision. She authored the book "Fundamentals of Data Science" Publication by CRC Press ( Taylor & Francis Group, US) and edited the book "Handbook of Research on Applied Intelligence for Health and Clinical Informatics" Publisher: IGI Global, USA.