Biographical note
Peter Haber is Assistant Professor of Information and Communication Technology, in particular for analog and digital signal processing, and responsible coordinator for system theory and electrical engineering at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. He is a researcher and project manager, leading and coordinating national and international projects in the field of IT and IT management, while also integrating data science solutions at businesses. Since 2009 he has been a member of the international advisory board for the IATED conferences.
Thomas Lampoltshammer is an Assistant Professor for ICT and Deputy Head of the Centre for E-Governance at the Department of E-Governance and Administration, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria. His current research focuses on the domain of data governance, the effects of ICT application in a connected society, and the effects on a data-driven society. He has a substantial background in designing and implementing expert and decision-making systems, data analytics, and semantic-based reasoning.
Manfred Mayr is the Academic Program Director for “Business Informatics and Digital Transformation” as well as the department head for "Management & Communications" in the Department of "Information Technologies and Digitalisation" and professor for IT-Management & Digital Leadership at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. He is a lecturer at international conferences and the author of various publications in the field of business informatics and business applications. The digitalization of ERP applications in the industrial environment is a long-standing and important field of his research. In addition, he was as projectmanager responsible for several national and international research projects.