Biographical note
Zahir Tari is Professor at RMIT and Research Director of the RMIT Centre of Cyber Security Research and Innovation.
Nasrin Sohrabi received a PhD in Computer Science from RMIT University, Australia. She is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cloud, Systems and Security discipline, School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University and a core member of the RMIT Centre of Cyber Security Research and Innovation (CCSRI). She has several publications in highly ranked conferences and journals, including ICDE, IEEE Transactions on Services Computings, ACM Computing surveys, IEEE Transactions on Transportation systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids.
Yasaman Samadi is a PhD student in Computer Science at RMIT University, Australia and a researcher in Quantum Cybersecurity. Yasaman has a Master’s in Computer Architecture and worked as a quantum engineer at QBee.
Jakapan Suaboot received his PhD in Cybersecurity from RMIT, Australia. He previously worked as a Lecturer for the Department of Computer Engineering from Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand.