Biographical note
Asit Kumar Das is working as a Professor in the Department of CST, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, India. He has received B.Sc. Honours in Mathematics, B. Tech. and M.Tech. in Computer Science & Technology from Calcutta University, West Bengal and Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Ph.D.) from IIEST, Shibpur, West Bengal. He has published more than 160 research papers in various Refereed Journals and Conferences, 3 books, and 6 book chapters. He has edited 6 books and 5 Special Issues on the applications of Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, published by a number of reputed international publications. He has worked as a Member of the Editorial / Reviewer Board of various international journals and Conferences. He acts as the general chair, program chair, and advisory member of committees of many international conferences. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in various fields including Bioinformatics, Social networks, Text mining, Audio and Video data analysis. He has guided eleven Ph.D. scholars and is currently guiding four Ph.D. scholars.
Bighnaraj Naik is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Applications, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India. He received his Doctoral degree from the Department of Computer Sc. Engineering & Information Technology, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla,
Odisha, India, Master degree from SOA University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India and Bachelor degree from National Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur, Odisha, India. He has published more than 160+ research papers in various reputed peer reviewed International Conferences, Referred Journals and Book Chapters. He has more than fourteen years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. His area of interest includes Data Mining, Soft Computing, etc.
Economic Growth Society of India at New Delhi and many more. Her research areas of interest are Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science. She has published many papers in national and international conferences and journals. She is the review board member of various reputed journals. She has guided eight Ph.D. scholars and is currently guiding seven Ph.D. scholars.
S. Vimal is working in Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Ramco Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India. He has around Fourteen years of teaching experience, EMC certified Data
Science Associate and CCNA certified professional too. He holds a PhD in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University Chennai and he received Master’s degree from Anna University Coimbatore. He organized various funded workshops and seminars. He has wide publications in the highly impact journals in the areas of Data Analytics, Networking and Security issues and published 04 book chapters. He has hosted two special sessions for IEEE sponsored conference in Osaka, Japan and Thailand. His areas of interest include Game Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big data Analytics. He is a senior member in IEEE, ACM and ISTE. He has hosted 21 special issues in IEEE, Elsevier, Springer journals. He has served as Guest editor for SCI journals and edited 3 books in reputed international publishers.Danilo Pelusi has received the Ph.D. degree in Computational Astrophysics from the University of Teramo, Italy. Presently he is holding the position of Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Teramo. Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, IEEE Access, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (Springer) and Array (Elsevier), he served as guest editor for Elsevier, Springer and Inderscience journals, as program member of many conferences and as editorial board member of many journals. Reviewer of reputed journals such as IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Machine Learning, his research interests include Intelligent computing, communication system, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Information Theory and Evolutionary Algorithms.