This volume reports the proceedings of the 15th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets WIRN04. The workshop, held in Perugia from September 14th to 17th 2004 has been jointly organized by the International Institute for Advanced Scienti?c Studies "Eduardo R. Caianiello" (IIASS) and the Societ' a Italiana Reti Neuroniche (SIREN). This year the Conference has constituted a joint event of three associations: Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Arti?ciale (AIIA), Gruppo Italiano di Ricercatori in Pattern Recognition (GIRPR), Societ' a Italiana Reti Neuroniche (SIREN) within the conference CISI-04 (Conferenza Italiana sui Sistemi Int- ligenti - 2004) combining the three associations' annual meetings. The aim was to examine Intelligent Systems as a joint topic, pointing out synergies and d- ferences between the various approaches. The volume covers this matter from the Neural Networks and related ?elds perspective. It contains invited review papers and selected original contri- tions presented in either oral or poster sessions by both Italian and foreign - searchers. The contributions have been assembled, for reading convenience, into ?ve sections. The ?rst two collect papers from pre-WIRN workshops focused on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, and Computational Intelligence on Hardware, respectively. The remaining sections concern Architectures and Algorithms, Models, and Applications. The Editors would like to thank the invited speakers and all the contributors whosehighlyquali?edpapershelpedthesuccessoftheWorkshop.Finally,special thanks go to the referees for their accurate work.
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Reports the proceedings of the 15th Italian workshop on neural networks issued by the Italian Society on Neural Networks SIREN. This volume contains papers in various fields, such as Pattern Recognition, Stochastic Optimization, Learning, Granular Computing, and more, with a bias toward bioinformatics operational applications.
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Pre-Wirn workshop on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Bistatistics (CIBB).- Progengrid: A Grid Framework for Bioinformatics.- A Preliminary Investigation on Connecting Genotype to Oral Cancer Development through XCS.- Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis for Early Detection of Inherited Breast Cancer.- Feature Selection Combined with Random Subspace Ensemble for Gene Expression Based Diagnosis of Malignancies.- Pruning the Nodule Candidate Set in Postero Anterior Chest Radiographs.- Protein Structure Assembly from Knowledge of ?-Sheet Motifs and Secondary Structure.- Analysis of Oligonucleotide Microarray Images Using a Fuzzy Sets Approach in HLA Typing.- Combinatorial and Machine Learning Approaches in Clustering Microarray Data.- Gene Expression Data Modeling and Validation of Gene Selection Methods.- Mining Yeast Gene Microarray Data with Latent Variable Models.- Recent Applications of Neural Networks in Bioinformatics.- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA).- An Algorithm for Reducing the Number of Support Vectors.- Genetic Design of Linear Block Error-Correcting Codes.- Neural Hardware Based on Kernel Methods for Industrial and Scientific Applications.- Stratistical Learning for Parton Identification.- Time-Varying Signals Classification Using a Liquid State Machine.- FPGA Based Statistical Data Mining Processor.- Neural Classification of HEP Experimental Data.- WIRN Regular Sessions Architectures and Algorithms.- The Random Neural Network Model for the On-Line Multicast Problem.- ERAF: A R Package for Regression and Forecasting.- Novel Pheromone Updating Strategy for Speeding up ACO Applied to VRP.- Inducing Communication Protocols from Conversations in a Multi AgentSystem.- Wordnet and Semidiscrete Decomposition for Sub-Symbolic Representation of Words.- The Hopfield and Kohonen Networks: an in Vivo Test.- Support Vector Regression with a Generalized Quadratic Loss.- A Flexible ICA Approach to a Novel BSS Convolutive Nonlinear Problem: Preliminary Results.- Models.- Computing Confidence Intervals for the Risk of A SVM Classifier through Algorithmic Inference.- Learning Continuous Functions through a New Linear Regression Method.- A Novel Kernel Method for Clustering.- Genetic Monte Carlo Markov Chains.- Consistency of Empirical Risk Minimization for Unbounded Loss Functions.- A Probabilistic PCA Clustering Approach to the SVD Estimate of Signal Subspaces.- Fast Dominant-Set Clustering.- Neural Network Classification Using Error Entropy Minimization.- Applications.- An ICA Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection in Multispectral Images.- A Comparison of ICA Algorithms in Biomedical Signal Processing.- Time-Frequency Analysis for Characterizing EMG Signals During fMRI Acquisitions.- A Neural Algorithm for Object Positioning in 3D Space Using Optoelectronic System.- Human Visual System Modelling for Real-Time Salt and Pepper Noise Removal.- Virtual Sensors to Support the Monitoring of Cultural Heritage Damage.- A Computer Aided Analysis on Digital Images.- Recursive Neural Networks for the Classification of Vehicles in Image Sequences.- Neural Network in Modeling Glucose-Insulin Behavior.- Assessing the Reliability of Communication Networks Through Maghine Learning Techniques.- Dynamical Reconstruction and Chaos for Disruption Prediction in Tokamak Reactors.
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A fresh look on the state of the art of the research in Neural networks and related fields on the part of the computational intelligence A special flavoured perspective of the above research from a 15 year old Society on Neural Networks A special eye through bioinformatics from computational intelligence perspective Up to date issues on hardware for computational intelligence
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Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
240 mm
160 mm
Research, P, 06
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