Biographical note
Kuan-Ching Li is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Providence University, Taiwan. He is a recipient of guest and distinguished chair professorships from universities in China and other countries, and awards and funding support from a number of agencies and industrial companies. He has been actively involved in many major conferences and workshops in program/general/steering conference chairman positions, and has organized numerous conferences on high-performance computing and computational science and engineering. He is a fellow of the IET, senior member of the IEEE and a member of the AAAS; in addition, he is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), and International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN). Besides publishing numerous research papers, he is the co-author/co-editor of several technical professional books published by CRC Press, Springer, McGraw-Hill and IGI Global. His research interests include GPU/many-core computing, Big Data, Smart Grids and Cloud.
Xiaofeng Chen works at Xidian University as a professor. His research interests include applied cryptography and cloud computing security. He has published over 200 research papers in refereed international conferences and journals. He serves on the editorial board of Security and Communication Networks (SCN), Telecommunication Systems (TELS), and Computing and Informatics (CAI), and as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN). He served as general chair of the 11th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS 2016) and as program co-chair of the 5th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec 2011). Currently, he is a director of the Information Security Center, State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks (ISN), Xidian University, China.
Willy Susilo is a Professor at the School of Computing and Information Technology and director of the Institute of Cybersecurity and Cryptology (iC2) at the University of Wollongong. His main research interests include cryptography and cybersecurity. He received a prestigious ARC Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council. He also received the UOW Researcher Award (2016) in recognition of his research excellence. He has served as an Associate Editor for numerous international journals, such as IEEE Transactions in Information Forensics and Security, and the International Journal of Information Security.