<p>"The book is very well written. The topics chosen are all fundamental control problems and are treated in depth. All the results presented in the book appear to be the authors’ own recent research findings and, without doubt, represent a significant contribution to the important research topic of analysis and design for control systems with actuator saturation. The results included in the book, along with an extensive bibliography will prove to be an important resource for researchers in this area as well as researchers interested in entering this area….The book will prove equally valuable to practicing engineers. The results included in the book are applicable to general systems including strictly unstable ones. All optimization problems involved are convex and can readily and reliably be solved with the Matlab LMI Toolbox. Moreover, all the results are illustrated with fully worked out examples and simulation. In conclusion, the book will be a valuable addition to the libraries of both control theory researchers and control engineering practitioners." <strong>—International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control</strong></p>
<p><strong></strong> </p>
<p>"The book reads very well. The results, along with an extensive bibliography will prove to be an important resource for researchers in this area as well as researchers interested in entering this area…. It is also noted that many results developed in the book may have applications in the study of a class of recurrent artificial neural networks." <strong>—IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control</strong></p>