Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Emerging Organic Micropollutants summarizes the current knowledge of emerging organic micropollutants in wastewater and the possibilities of their removal/elimination. This book attempts a thorough and exhaustive discussion on ongoing research and future perspectives on advanced treatment methods and future directions to maintain and protect the environment through microbiological, nanotechnological, application of membrane technology, molecular biological and by policymaking means.
In addition, the book includes the latest developments in biotechnology and bioengineering pertaining to various aspects in the field of emerging organic micropollutants, including their sources, health effects and environmental impacts.
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1. Sustainable management and treatment technologies for micropollutants in wastewater2. Occurrence and human health risk of micropollutants - A special focus on endocrine disruptors3. Micro pollutants in surface water: Impacts on aquatic environment and treatment technologies4. Methods for the analysis of micropollutants5. Constructed wetlands for the removal of organic micropollutants6. Multi-barrier approach for the removal of organic micropollutants7. Heterogeneous photo catalysis for the removal of pharmaceutical compounds8. Biotransformation of organic micropollutants in biological wastewater9. Modeling of organic micro pollutant degradation kinetics10. Membrane bioreactors for the removal of micropollutants11. Membrane distillation for the removal of micropollutants12. Removal of organic micropollutants by membrane filtration13. Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of pesticides14. Retention of organic micropollutants by sorption Processes15. Removal of organic micropollutants using filamentous fungi16. Removal of organic micropollutants by anaerobic microbes and enzymes17. Degradation of organic micropollutants by ultraviolet radiation18. Removal of emerging micropollutants from pharmaceutical industry wastewater19. Ecotoxicological effects of organic micropollutants on environment20. Removal of contaminants of emerging concern by microalgae-based wastewater treatments and related analytical techniques21. Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes for the removal of micropollutants
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Provides an excellent, concise and interdisciplinary overview of various emerging pollutants arising from personal care products, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and pesticides
Includes testing methods for the analysis and characterization of emerging organic micropollutants in wastewater
Discusses the environmental impact and health hazards of emerging organic micropollutants in wastewater
Provides a useful guide to identify priority areas of research demand in the remediation/removal of emerging organic micropollutants
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Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc
Biographical note
Dr. Sunita Varjani is Scientific Officer at Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Her major areas of research are Industrial and Environmental Microbiology/Biotechnology. She has worked as visiting scientist at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Dr. Varjani has authored more than 110 publications, including research and review papers, books and book chapters. She has won several awards, including Young Scientist Awards from Association of Microbiologists of India, International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability and AFRO-ASIAN Congress on Microbes for Human and Environmental Health, New Delhi; Top Reviewer Award - 2017, Bioresource Technology, Elsevier and Best Paper Awards in national and international conferences in 2008, 2012, 2013 and 2018. She is member of editorial board of Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability and has served as guest editor of special issues of Bioresource Technology, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ASCE- Journal of Environmental Engineering and others. She is Management Council Member of the BRSI ( Prof. Ashok Pandey is currently Executive Director, Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability-India, Lucknow. His major research and technological development interests are industrial and environmental biotechnology and energy biosciences, focusing on biomass to biofuels and chemicals, waste to wealth and energy, etc.
Prof. R. D. Tyagi is an internationally recognized Professor of Biochemical Engineering and biotransformation with ‘Institut national de la recherché Scientifique - Eau, terre, et environnement’, (INRS-ETE), University of Québec, Canada. He also holds Adjunct Professor position at the University of Missouri-Columbia, USA. Prof Tyagi has published over 600 papers/communications, which include 21 books, 75 book chapters, 10 research reports, nine patents, etc. He is Associate Editor of ‘‘Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management- Am.Soc.Civil Engineering’’ and serves on the editorial board of Process Biochemistry and Bioresource Technology. He has been recognised by many national and international awards and honours. He is member of ‘‘European Academy of Sciences and Arts’’. He conducts research on hazardous/solids waste management, water/wastewater treatment, and wastewater sludge treatment/disposal, bioconversion of wastewater and wastewater sludge into value added products. Prof. Ngo is currently a Professor of Environmental Engineering and serving as Deputy Director of Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, Co-Director of Joint Research Centre for Protective Infrastructure Technology and Environmental Green Bioprocess, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney. He has been duly elected as Fellow of International Water Association (FIWA) and Fellow and Lead Researcher of the International Bioprocessing Association (FIBA and LRIBA) while serving as IBA Council Member.
Prof. Ngo is internationally well-known for his activities in the areas of advanced biological waste treatment technologies (e.g. membrane bioreactor, specific attached and/or suspended growth bioreactors, anaerobic digesters, wetland and bio-sorption) and membrane technologies. His expertise and practical experience also covers the areas of alternative resources, management and impacts assessment, and solid waste management. Currently, he is very active to work on the development of specific green bioprocessing technologies: resource recovery, water-waste- bioenergy nexus and greenhouse gas emission control.
Prof. Ngo has been listed as Highly Cited Researcher 2019 in Cross Field Category, Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science; Elsevier - World Top 3 ranking researcher 2019 in Environmental Engineering; Lead Researcher in the field of Biotechnology in Australia. He ranks #2 in the world for number of scholarly outputs in the SciVal topic ‘membrane fouling; bioreactors; membrane bioreactors (SciVal, Feb 2020). He ranks #1 in Australia for number of scholarly outputs in the SciVal topic ‘biosorption; aqueous solution; bisorption capacity; ‘antibiotics; oxytetracycline; veterinary antibiotics’, (SciVal, Feb 2020).
Prof. Ngo has published more than 500 SCI/ISI journal papers (citations >20,000), 7 books and 35 book chapters, a number of patents while receiving several highly recognized honours/awards. He has been invited to give numerous plenary/keynotes and invited talks, seminars and lecturers in the international conferences as well as the universities/research institutions.
Prof. Ngo has appointed as Editor of Bioresource Technology, Elsevier, Associate Editor of Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, Associate Editor of Water Process Engineering and Associate Editor of Heliyon Journal, Elsevier. He is also an editorial board member/guest editor of numerous international journals such as Bioresource Technology Reports, Elsevier; Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, Elsevier; Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, IJSEES, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, EHIT, Journal of Bioengineered, Taylor & Francis. Prof. Christian Larroche is Director of Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, a graduate school of engineering of University Clermont-Auvergne, France. He is also member of the research laboratory Institut Pascal and of the laboratory of excellence ImobS3 at the same university. He has strong research skills and expertise in the area of applied microbiology and biochemical engineering. He is author of 220 documents, including 114 articles, three patents, 15 book chapters and 24 co-editions of books or journal special issues. He is member of French Society for Process Engineering (SFGP), French Society of Biotechnology and European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He is administrator of IBA-IFIBiop and editor of Bioresource Technology.