Biographical note
Bahaaeddin Alareeni is Assistant Professor of Accounting and Auditing. He got his PhD in Accounting from Vrije University Brussel in Belgium. He did his PhD's thesis in Accounting and Auditing on `'the relative performance of auditors' going concern opinions and statistical failure prediction models for listed companies in Jordan''. His main research interests are in the areas of Corporate Governance, Educational Governance, Earnings Management, Meta-Analysis in Accounting and Finance, Failure prediction, ESG, and Audit quality.
He has a practical experience in the Accounting profession for more than ten years in different organizations, e.g., banking, NGOs, government sector, and private institutions. Additionally, he has academic experience in accounting and finance for more than eight years and taught considerable types of students in different types of courses, mostly all courses of undergraduate accounting and finance programs in addition to several MSc and MBA courses. He developed several undergraduate courses curriculums such as Principles of Accounting I and Principles of Accounting II, Intermediate Accounting, Principle of Finance and Accounting Applications Using Excel Program and Research Methods for Business Students. He served as head of the Business and Finance Department and Head of the Scientific Research and Library Department in the University College of Applied Sciences from the period from 2015 to 2016.
More interestingly, He has more than 50 publications in highly ranked journals, books and international conferences proceedings (ISI-with impact factor, Scopus, ABDC, ABS). He is Editor/Associate Editor for several books and Journals published by Emerald, Springer, Tylor & Francis. He is Editor inChief of The International Journal of Business Ethics and Governance (IJBEG), and Associate Editor of the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment (JSFI), Taylor & Francis. He was assigned is a guest editor of a number of special issues such as Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment (JSFI), Taylor & Francis, Journal of Strategic Marketing (JSM), Taylor & Francis, International Journal of E-Business Research (IJER), IGI publisher, and Journal of Decision Systems (JDS), Taylor & Francis. He has edited several books published by Springer on very important and trendy topics such as The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Growing Business Success; Technologies and Entrepreneurship in Business Development; and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business, Education and Healthcare. He received research grants from the Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) in 2015. He got awards from the Bank of Jordan -Gaza Branch (2000), and the Arabic Organization for Student support, Jerusalem (1997). He worked as a trainer for several fields and supervised more than 15 Master students.