"This book teaches us that, if the improved learning we require forall students in a democracy is to be accomplished, both thepolicymakers and the professionals must take joint responsibilityto craft a new alliance.... Readers of this book will discover thatwithin its pages lies an impressive array of findings, analyses,interpretations, and proposals that can guide the needed efforts todesign such settings. Teaching as the Learning Profession is farmore than a superb book title. It is a mandate for the stakeholdersin whose hands lies the future of America's teachers, and throughthem, the future of America's students." --from the foreword by LeeS. Shulman, president, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancementof Teaching<br /> <br /> "It's common knowledge--and common sense--that the quality ofteaching strongly affects student achievement. Teaching as theLearning Profession rightly advocates enhancing instructionalquality by providing teachers with meaningful professional learningopportunities that allow them to continually improve their practiceand enable their students to excel." --Sandra Feldman, president,American Federation of Teachers<br /> <br /> "No education topic is more important than how to raise the qualityof teaching in America's schools. This book eloquently makes thecase for reshaping teacher preparation and professional developmentto enhance student learning." --Bob Chase, president, NationalEducation Association
Biographical note
LINDA DARLING-HAMMOND is Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education at Stanford University and executive director of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future.GARY SYKES is professor of educational administration and teacher education at Michigan State University.