<p>"Wei Cai has succeeded admirably in synthesizing research on Chinese L2 listening in relation to literature on general L2 listening with an eye towards a systemic teaching approach to Chinese listening. For Chinese L2 researchers, teachers, and students, this volume not only provides a comprehensive and highly accessible view of the processes involved in listening development in general and Chinese L2 listening in particular but also evidence-based pedagogical approaches and techniques."</p><p>Chuanren Ke, Professor of Chinese and Second Language Acquisition, University of Iowa, USA</p><p>"As the first book ever on the theory and pedagogy of L2 Chinese listening, Teaching and Researching Chinese Second Language Listening is a significant contribution to SLA and applied linguistics. It marks a new level on L2 listening research and is a ‘must read’ to scholars in this area."</p><p>Professor Yang Zhao, School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University</p>
Biographical note
Wei Cai is an Associate Professor in the School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures, University of Calgary, Canada.