Biographical note
Chris Rowley is Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford, UK, and Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan, and University of Business and International Studies, Switzerland. He is Professor Emeritus at Bayes Business School, City, University of London, UK. He has over 30 years’ experience in university systems in the UK, Europe and Asia, and has won several international grants. He is the editor of the important SCI rated journal Asia Pacific Business Review and has published over 700 articles, books, chapters and practitioner pieces. He regularly provides interviews, expert comments and opinion pieces to the international media, including news services, TV, radio and practitioner outlets.
Justin Paul serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Consumer Studies and as Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research. He serves as Full Professor of PhD & MBA programs, University of Puerto Rico, USA (AACSB). He holds three honorary titles as ‘Distinguished Professor’ including Indian Institute of Management (IIM-K), and SIBM, Pune. He is an author/co-author of books such as Business Environment (4th edition), International Marketing, Services Marketing, Export-Import Management (2nd edition) and Management of Banking & Financial Services.