Biographical note
Laura James is Associate Professor at the Tourism Research Unit at Aalborg University, Denmark. She researches regional governance, knowledge dynamics and innovation. She currently explores cross sectoral interactions between food and tourism, developing a practice-based conceptual framework to explore how public and private tourism actors adapt, combine and transform existing practices to produce new tourist experiences related to food production, processing and dining.
Carina Ren is Associate Professor at the Tourism Research Unit at Aalborg University, Denmark. She researches connections between tourism and other fields of the social. With a focus on everyday practices, she explores processes of cultural innovation, knowledge collaboration and value-creation in tourism.
Henrik Halkier is Professor of Regional and Tourism Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Aalborg University. His research experience is primarily related to the role of institutions, discourses and practices in tourism and regional development. He is currently working on practices, institutions and networks within the field of food tourism.