Biographical note
Lorenzo Magnani, philosopher, epistemologist, and cognitive scientist, is a professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Pavia, Italy, and the director of its Computational Philosophy Laboratory. He was a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, McGill University, the University of Waterloo and Georgia Institute of Technology and visiting professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, City University of New York, and at the Sun Yat-sen University, China. He was appointed member of the International Academy for the Philosophy of the Sciences (AIPS) in 2015. Since 1998, initially in collaboration with Nancy J. Nersessian and Paul Thagard, he created and promoted the MBR Conferences on Model-Based Reasoning. Since 2011 he is the editor of the book series Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE) by Springer.
Tommaso Bertolotti is a postdoctoral fellow in Philosophy of Science and adjunct professor of Cognitive Philosophy at the Department of Humanities - Philosophy Section, University of Pavia. His research interests include philosophy of science, niche construction theories, cognitive science of religion, social epistemology and philosophy of technology. He was recently invited to several expert workshops and conferences concerning cyberbullying and internet safety in general, organized by the European Commission together with other institutions and major IT companies.