<p>"Michelle Fine’s text, <em>Just Research in Contentious Times: Widening the Methodological Imagination</em>, is a compelling and poignant read that includes a balance of self-reflection, theory, and practice. With powerful metaphors and poetic prose, her writing is as enjoyable as it is thought-provoking."</p>
<p>—<strong>Teachers College Record</strong></p>
<p>"Fine reawakens the spark that initially brought us to research and reminds us of the importance of doing work with a broader purpose. In her world, PAR not only leads us to a better understanding of the world around us but also spurs us on to join with movements for social change and liberation. The perspective she outlines—and the poetic voice she brings to the table—would be a welcome addition to any undergraduate or graduate course in the research methods."</p>
<p>—<strong>Psychology of Women Quarterly</strong></p>
Biographical note
Michelle Fine is a distinguished professor of critical social psychology, women’s studies, and urban education at the Graduate Center, CUNY.