This book is very useful for researchers and students
<p>in different scientific areas – social sciences and humanities, medicine, in</p>
<p>general every science where studies measuring time changes in variables are</p>
<p>conducted...As the author explains, this book is written from the</p>
<p>perspective of an absolute beginner – comprehensible and with a lot of examples</p>
<p>in the text, tables and graphs. It goes beyond an introductory textbook on this</p>
<p>topic, because it presents not only non-parametric models, semi-parametric</p>
<p>models, parametric models, model-building and model diagnostics, but it is focused also on some more recent techniques like frailty and recurrent event</p>
<p>history models, discrete-time models, multistate models, competing risk</p>
<p>analysis and sequence analysis...Everyone who would like to start with Survival and</p>
<p>Event History analysis or to get more knowledge of Survival and Event History</p>
<p>analysis could do this by reading this book<b><i><br /><b>Stanislava Yordanova Stoyanova<br /> Methodspace</b> </i></b></p>