Biographical note
Susan Crowther is a Professor of midwifery at Auckland University of Technology in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Her research interests are mainly focused on midwifery, maternity and women’s health, although she explores myriad topics with postgraduate students from a variety of disciplines/professions. She has published two books: "Joy at birth" (sole author), "Spirituality and Childbirth" with co-editor Dr. Jenny Hall and another book coming in 2022: "Mindfulness across the childbirth sphere" with co-editor Dr. Lorna Davies. Susan is member of three editorial boards, sits on review panels and enjoys supervising postgraduate degrees.
Contacts/links: E. - Twitter: @SusanCrowtherMW- Blog/webpage:
Gill Thomson is a Professor in Perinatal Health at the University of Central Lancashire in North-West, U.K. Gill’s research interests centre around perinatal health and wellbeing and lay/peer support models of care. Gill’s used hermeneutic phenomenology in her Ph.D., she supervises Ph.D. students using this approach, and she co-facilitates the annual hermeneutic phenomenology methodology course with Susan. Gill has authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications and is the lead editor of two Routledge texts (Qualitative research in childbirth and midwifery: Phenomenological approaches (2011), and Psychosocial resilience and risk in the perinatal period: Implications and guidance for professionals (2017)). Gill is an editorial member of two journals and a steering group member of SCENE (SCENE | SCENE ( - an international network dedicated to improving neonatal care. Contacts/links: Email -; Twitter @gill_thomson; Webpage - Gill Thomson - UCLan.