<p><strong>From a previous edition:</strong></p><p>"The tiresome debate about Rasch vs. IRT is over -- if you want to construct valid measurements from uncertain observations you need to understand and learn how to use Rasch measurement. Bond and Fox is your huckleberry -- read it and get to work!"<i> – Robert W. Massof, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA</i></p><p>"Bond & Fox's book is a must read for anyone interested in measurement. This book is my go-to for introducing graduate students to the Rasch model." <b>– </b><i>Kelly D. Bradley, University of Kentucky, USA</i></p><p>"The authors have successfully made sophisticated measurement theory into feasible practice for practitioners by providing clear and intuitive explanations, numerous examples, and nice computer outputs. It is a textbook that I have used and will continue to use in the future." <b>– </b><i>Wen Chung Wang, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong</i></p><p>"Bond and Fox provide a clear and accessible introduction to the Rasch model… I always recommend their book when a student or colleagues asks me to explain Rasch measurement theory." – <i>George Engelhard, Jr., The University of Georgia, USA</i></p><p>"The Rasch model represents modern measurement theory at its best … Rasch models are used around the world to create psychometrically defensible scales and tests. Bond and Fox provide an accessible introduction to the Rasch model that describes the logic and essential importance of fundamental measurement in the human sciences." – <i>George Engelhard, Jr., The University of Georgia, USA</i></p>

<p><strong>From a previous edition:</strong></p><p><strong>"The tiresome debate about Rasch vs. IRT is over </strong><em>– </em><strong> if you want to construct valid measurements from uncertain observations you need to understand and learn how to use Rasch measurement. Bond and Fox is your huckleberry </strong><em>–</em><strong> read it and get to work!"</strong><i> – Robert W. Massof, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA</i></p><p>"Bond & Fox's book is a must read for anyone interested in measurement. This book is my go-to for introducing graduate students to the Rasch model." <b>– </b><i>Kelly D. Bradley, University of Kentucky, USA</i></p><p>"The authors have successfully made sophisticated measurement theory into feasible practice for practitioners by providing clear and intuitive explanations, numerous examples, and nice computer outputs. It is a textbook that I have used and will continue to use in the future." <b>– </b><i>Wen Chung Wang, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong</i></p><p><b>"The Rasch model represents modern measurement theory at its best … Rasch models are used around the world to create psychometrically defensible scales and tests. Bond and Fox provide an accessible introduction to the Rasch model that describes the logic and essential importance of fundamental measurement in the human sciences." </b>– <i>George Engelhard, Jr., The University of Georgia, USA</i></p>

Recognised as the most influential publication in the field, ARM facilitates deep understanding of the Rasch model and its practical applications. The authors review the crucial properties of the model and demonstrate its use with examples across the human sciences. Readers will be able to understand and critically evaluate Rasch measurement research, perform their own Rasch analyses and interpret their results. The glossary and illustrations support that understanding, and the accessible approach means that it is ideal for readers without a mathematical background.Highlights of the new edition include: More learning tools to strengthen readers’ understanding including chapter introductions, boldfaced key terms, chapter summaries, activities and suggested readings. Greater emphasis on the use of R packages; readers can download the R code from the Routledge website. Explores the distinction between numerical values, quantity and units, to understand the measurement and the role of the Rasch logit scale (Chapter 4). A new four-option data set from the IASQ (Instrumental Attitude towards Self-assessment Questionnaire) for the Rating Scale Model (RSM) analysis exemplar (Chapter 6). Clarifies the relationship between Rasch measurement, path analysis and SEM, with a host of new examples of Rasch measurement applied across health sciences, education and psychology (Chapter 10). Intended as a text for graduate courses in measurement, item response theory, (advanced) research methods or quantitative analysis taught in psychology, education, human development, business, and other social and health sciences. Professionals in these areas will also appreciate the book’s accessible introduction.
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Recognised as the most influential publication in the field, ARM facilitates deep understanding of the Rasch model and its practical applications. The authors review the crucial properties of the model and demonstrate its use with examples across the human sciences.
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Foreword Preface Notes on This VolumeAbout the Authors Why Measurement Is FundamentalChildren Can Construct Measures Interval Scales v. Ratio Scales: A Conceptual Explanation Statistics and/or Measurement Why Fundamental Measurement? Derived Measures Conjoint Measurement The Rasch Model for Measurement A More Suitable Analogy for Measurement in the Human Sciences In Conclusion Summary Important Principles of Measurement Made ExplicitAn example: "By How Much?" Moving From Observations to Measures Summary Basic Principles of the Rasch ModelThe Pathway Analogy A Basic Framework for Measurement The Rasch Model Summary Building a Set of Items for MeasurementThe Nature of the Data Analyzing Dichotomous Data: The BLOT A Simple Rasch Summary: The Item Pathway Item Statistics Item Fit The Wright Map Targeting Comparing Persons and Items Summary Extended Understanding The Problem of Guessing Difficulty, Ability, and Fit The Theory–Practice Dialog Summary Invariance: A Crucial Property of Scientific MeasurementPerson and Item Invariance Common-Item Linking Please Keep in Mind Anchoring Item Values Vertical Scaling Common-Person Linking Invariance of Person Estimates across Tests: Concurrent Validity The PRTIII-Pendulum Common-Person Linking: BLOT & PRTIII The Theory–Practice Dialog Measurement Invariance: Where It Really Matters Failures of Invariance: DIF Differential Rater Functioning DIF: Not Just a Problem, but an Opportunity Summary Measurement Using Likert ScalesThe Rasch Model for Polytomous Data Analyzing Rating Scale Data: The Instrumental Attitude towards Self-Assessment Questionnaire Summary Extended Understanding Summary The Partial Credit Rasch ModelClinical Interview Analysis: A Rasch-Inspired Breakthrough Scoring Interview Transcripts Partial Credit Model Results Interpretation The Theory–Practice Dialog Summary Extended Understanding Point–Measure Correlations Fit Statistics Dimensionality: Primary Components Factor Analysis Summary Measuring Facets Beyond Ability and DifficultyA Basic Introduction to the Many-Facets Rasch Model Why Not Use Interrater Reliability? Relations Among the Rasch Family of Models Data Specifications of the Many-Facets Rasch Model Rating Creativity of Junior Scientists 8.6 Many-Facets Analysis of Eighth-Grade Writing Summary Extended Understanding Rasch Measurement of Facets Beyond Rater Effects Summary Making Measures, Setting Standards, and Rasch RegressionCreating a Measure from Existing Data: The RMPFS (Zi Yan, EdUHK) Method: Data Physical Fitness Indicators Data Analysis Seven Criteria to Investigate the Quality of Physical Fitness Indicators Results and Discussion Optimising Response Categories Influence of Underfitting Persons on the RMPFS Properties of the RMPFS With Subsamples Age Dependent or Age Related? The Final Version of RMPFS Objective Standard Setting: The OSS Model (Gregory Stone, U Toledo) Early Definitions The Objective Standard Setting Models Objective Standard Setting for Dichotomous Examinations Objective Standard Setting for Judge-Mediated Examinations Fair Standards, Not Absolute Values Rasch Regression (Svetlana Beltyukova, U Toledo) Predicting Physician Assistant Faculty Intention to Leave Academia Rasch Regression Using the Anchored Formulation Rasch Regression: Alternative Approaches Discussion Summary The Rasch Model Applied Across the Human SciencesRasch Measurement in Health Sciences Optimising an Existing Instrument: The NIHSS and a Central Role for PCA Creating a Short Form of an Existing Instrument: The FSQ FSQ-SF Theory Guides Assessment Revisions: The PEP–S8 Applications in Education and Psychology Rasch Measures as Grist for the Analytical Mill Rasch Gain Calculations: Racking and Stacking Rasch Learning Gain Calculations: The CCI Racking and Stacking Stacking Can Be Enough: UPAM Sub- Test Structure Informs Scoring Models Applications to Classroom Testing Can Rasch Measurement Help S.S. Stevens? Using Rasch Measures with Path Analysis (SEM Framework) Rasch Person Measures Used in a Partial Least Squares (PLS) Framework And Those Rasch Measurement SEs? Can We Really Combine SEM and Rasch Models? Conclusion Summary Rasch Modeling Applied: Rating Scale DesignRating Scale Design Category Frequencies and Average Measures Thresholds and Category Fit Revising a Rating Scale An Example Guidelines for Collapsing Categories Problems With Negatively Worded Items The Invariance of the Measures across Groups Summary Rasch Model Requirements: Model Fit and UnidimensionalityThe Data, the Model, and the Residuals Residuals Fit Statistics Expectations of Variation Fit, Misfit, and Interpretation Fit: Issues for Resolution Principal Components Analysis of Rasch Residuals: The BLOT as an Exemplar One Dimension, Two Dimensions, Three Dimensions, More? Extended Understanding A Further Investigation: BLOT and PRTIII Summary A Synthetic Overview Additive Conjoint Measurement (ACM) True Score Theory, Latent Traits, and Item Response Theory Would You Like an Interval Scale With That? Model Assumptions and Measurement Requirements Construct Validity The Rasch Model and Progress of Science Back to the Beginning and Back to the End SummaryAppendix A: Getting StartedAppendix B: Technical Aspects of the Rasch ModelAppendix C: Going All the WayGlossaryAuthor IndexSubject Index
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Biographical note

Trevor G. Bond is currently Adjunct Professor at the College of Arts, Society and Education at James Cook University, Australia.

Zi Yan is Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Education University of Hong Kong.

Moritz Heene is Full Professor of Learning Sciences Research Methodologies (i.e., Quantitative Methods) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.