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Policymakers throughout Europe are enacting policies to support youth labour market integration. However, many young people continue to face unemployment, job insecurity, and the subsequent consequences.
Adopting a mixed-method and multilevel perspective, this book provides a comprehensive investigation into the multifaceted consequences of social exclusion. Drawing on rich pan-European comparative and quantitative data, and interviews with young people from across Europe, this text gives a platform to the unheard voices of young people.
Contributors derive crucial new policy recommendations and offer fresh insights into areas including youth well-being, health, poverty, leaving the parental home, and qualifying for social security.
1. Introduction: youth transitions in times of labour market insecurity - Michael Gebel, Marge Unt, Sonia Bertolini, Vassiliki Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, and Dirk Hofäcker
Part 1: Labour market insecurity and youth well-being and health
2. Effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on youth well-being in Europe: economic development and business cycle fluctuations - Olena Nizalova, Gintare Malisauskaite, Despoina Xanthopoulou, Katerina Gousia, and Christina Athanasiades
3. Health effects of unemployment in couples: does becoming unemployed affect a young partner’s health? - Anna Baranowska-Rataj and Mattias Strandh
4. Multiple routes to youth well-being: a qualitative comparative analysis of buffers to the negative consequences of unemployment - Triin Lauri and Marge Unt
5. Experiencing unemployment and job insecurity in two European countries: German and Italian young people’s well-being and coping strategies - Christoph Schlee, Rosy Musumeci, and Chiara Ghislieri
Part 2: Labour market insecurity and youth autonomy
6. Meanings of work in the narratives of Italian, Estonian, and Polish young people who experience labour market insecurity - Eve-Liis Roosmaa, Epp Reiska, Jędrzej Stasiowski, Sonia Bertolini, and Paola Maria Torrioni
7. Housing autonomy of youth in Europe: do labour and housing policies matter? - Valentina Goglio and Sonia Bertolini
8. Is housing autonomy still a step towards adulthood in a time of job insecurity? - Sonia Bertolini, Rosy Musumeci, Christina Athanasiades,
Anastasia Flouli, Lia Figgou, Vassiliki Deliyanni- Kouimtzi, Veneta Krasteva, Maria Jeliazkova, and Douhomir Minev
9. Becoming economically autonomous: young people in Italy and Poland in a time of job insecurity - Antonella Meo, Valentina Moiso, Jędrzej Stasiowski, and Zofia Włodarczyk
10. The role of informal social support for young people in unemployment and job insecurity in Italy, Estonia, and Germany - Antonella Meo, Roberta Ricucci, Christoph Schlee, Jelena Helemäe, and Margarita Kazjulja
11. How young people experience and perceive labour market policies in four European countries - Roberta Ricucci, Chiara Ghislieri, Veneta Krasteva, Maria Jeliazkova, Marti Taru, and Magdalena Rokicka
Part 3: Labour market insecurity and the socio-economic consequences for youth
12. Can labour market policies protect unemployed youth from poverty? A cross-European comparison - Małgorzata Kłobuszewska, Marta Palczyńska, Magdalena Rokicka, Jędrzej Stasiowski, Kadri Täht, and Marge Unt
13. Unemployment and job precariousness: material and social consequences for Greek and Italian youth - Lia Figgou, Martina Sourvinou, Christina Athanasiades, Valentina Moiso, and Rosy Musumeci
14. Syntheses of long-term socio-economic consequences of insecure labour market positions for youth in Europe - Dirk Hofäcker, Sina Schadow, and Janika Kletzing
15. Conclusions: Integrating perspectives on youth transitions and the risk of social exclusion - Sonia Bertolini, Vassiliki Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, Michael Gebel, Dirk Hofäcker, and Marge Unt
Previous research has focused on the drivers of youth unemployment and job insecurity; however this text presents a mixed-method multilevel perspective on the consequences of social exclusion of young people in unemployment and insecure jobs;
Draws on 386 EXCEPT project interviews with young people in nine European countries including Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Sweden, the UK and Ukraine;
International contributors present rich new data findings, methods for analysing them and derives new policy recommendations.
Biographical note
Marge Unt is Head of the International Institute of Social Studies and Professor of Comparative Sociology at Tallinn University, Estonia.
Michael Gebel is Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research at the Department of Sociology at the University of Bamberg, Germany.
Sonia Bertolini is Associate Professor of Sociology of Work in the Department of Cultures, Politics, and Society at the University of Turin, Italy.
Vassiliki Deliyanni-Kouimtzi is Professor Emeritus of Sociology of Education in the School of Psychology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Dirk Hofäcker is Professor of Quantitative Methods of Social Research at the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.