Together in one volume, two frighteningly hilarious Dan Shamble,
Zombie P.I. adventures. SLIMY UNDERBELLY: There’s something fishy
going on in the Unnatural Quarter. Bodies are floating face-down, the
plumbing is backing up, and something smells rotten—even to a zombie
detective like Dan Shamble. Diving into the slimy underbelly of a
diabolical plot, Dan comes face-to-tentacles with an amphibious
villain named Ah’Chulhu and his snap-happy gang of gator-guys. While
feuding weather wizards kick up storms and a gang of thieving lawn
gnomes continues their reign of terror, Dan Shamble is running out of
time before the whole stinking city goes down the drain. TASTES LIKE
CHICKEN: Shamble faces his most fowl case yet, when a flock of
murderous feral chickens terrorizes the Unnatural Quarter. Also in the
caseload, Shamble deals with the sinister spokesman for Monster Chow
Industries, a spreading contamination that drives vampires berserk, a
serial-killer demon from the Fifth Pit of Hell, a black-market blood
gang led by the nefarious Ma Hemoglobin, a ghost fighting a hostile
takeover of his blood bars…and a cute little vampire girl who may,
or may not, be his daughter. With his ghost girlfriend Sheyenne, his
bleeding-heart lawyer partner Robin, and his Best Human Friend Officer
Toby McGoohan, Dan Shamble is back from the dead and back on the case.
The feathers will fly as he goes face-to-beak with the evil peckers.
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WordFire Press
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