With the pivotal roles technology and the Internet have come to play in education and in our lives, helping young people learn to navigate the online world and establish positive digital identities continues to become increasingly important. In her book, Digital Citizenship: Teaching Strategies and Practice from the Field, Carrie Rogers-Whitehead provides a comprehensive look at the need for digital citizenship education and offers many practical and sound ideas for teaching digital citizenship. The wealth of knowledge she has gained from her work with teaching digital citizenship skills, both as a librarian and digcit advocate, is shared in this wonderful reference.
- Jenny Peirce, Educational Technology Specialist, Granite School District,
In our continually-expanding digital environment, the need for digital citizenship education has never been greater. As educators, technology specialists, school librarians, and other influencers of students collaborate and share ideas and best practices, they can be better prepared to help students navigate their complex world. Carrie Rogers-Whitehead combines her years of experience as a librarian as well as her passion for digital citizenship education, providing provide a research-rich book that can be very helpful for such influencers.
- Michelle Linford, Executive Director, EPIK: Deliberate Digital,