A book with chapters titles "Hellcats and Hormones" and "A Quick Herstory Lesson" definitely works for me... frank and funny with line drawings throughout.
The Bookseller (Children's Previews)
This is a book not only designed to inform teenage girls but to make them think and ask questions and it does this brilliantly
- Annie Everall, School Library Association
Biographical note
Hayley Long began writing teen fiction while working as an English teacher in Cardiff. Her first teen novel, LOTTIE BIGGS IS NOT MAD, was awarded the White Raven label for outstanding children's literature by the International Youth Library. Since then, her fingers haven't stopped typing. Hayley has been a winner of the Essex Book Award, and WHAT'S UP WITH JODY BARTON? was shortlisted for a Costa Book Award. Hayley has also enjoyed the razzle-dazzle of being a Queen of Teen nominee. BEING A GIRL is Hayley's first non-fiction title, and she's also working on her next novel. Follow Hayley on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HayleyLongAuthor
Illustrator Gemma Correll is one of the few people in the universe who has managed to turn her love of pugs into a lucrative career. She has exhibited all over the world, in China, the US and Europe, and was the recipient of a Young Guns award from the Art Directors Club of New York in 2010. She's a serial punner with a crush on all things cartooney and studied Graphic Design in Norwich. Her favourite colour is turquoise, her star sign is Aquarius and her favourite word Albuquerque, just in case you were wondering. Follow Gemma on Twitter: @gemmacorrell.