Biographical note
Annaleise Byrd grew up on a farm in Queensland, ignoring most farm-related pursuits in favour of reading books. She then spent nine years in England and Canada, neglecting a variety of jobs in favour of reading books. Eventually, she realised the best way to get away with this was to become an author. Annaleise now lives in Brisbane with her husband, two young sons and rescue greyhound, and she is particularly fond of lamingtons. You can find her online at
Sandra de la Prada was born in Barcelona, where she grew up and still currently lives. She shares a studio with her cats Chicho and Rudo, who support and inspire her and advise her through any mental blocks. Of course, so do her wonderful parents, partner and son, but mostly Chicho and Rudo. Sandra studied Fine Arts and in 2010 publisher Pintar-Pintar commissioned her for her first book and she has been working non-stop ever since on children’s books for clients all around the world.