Biographical note
STEVE JENKINS and DEREK WALTER are among the world's most popular and successful animal activists. They founded the Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary in 2014 in Ontario, Canada where they continue to rescue abandoned and abused animals. Their memoir Esther the Wonder Pig was a New York Times bestseller, and this is their first picture book. You can visit them, along with Esther and the rest of her family, at!
CAPRICE CRANE is an award-winning, New York Times bestselling, five-time novelist, screenwriter, and television writer. Her humor and satirical observations have earned her a loyal social media following and the distinction as one of The Huffington Post's 50 Funny People You Should Be Following on Twitter. Her passion is animal rescue, and in 2014 she founded a 501c3 non-profit called Gauze for Paws.
CORI DOERRFELD grew up with dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters, fish, and a rabbit, but has yet to own a pig. She has illustrated many children's books including a board book series with Elise Broach. Cori is also the author and illustrator Matilda in the Middle, Penny Loves Pink and the upcoming The Rabbit Listened, and Good Dog. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her family and rescue dog, Rufus.