"A charming bedtime story." -- School Library Journal "A nocturnal companion to Matheson's Tap the Magic Tree (2013), this interactive picture book illuminates nighttime's wonders... An implicit sense of power (and even a hint of magic) follows each page turn... A delightful bedtime book." -- Kirkus Reviews "This exploration of the word at night should be inviting to even the very youngest children, who will also enjoy its imagination-fueled and child-powered interactivity." -- The Horn Book Praise for Tap the Magic Tree: "Proves you don't need apps for interactivity. ... You can imagine this book wearing out after repeated tapping, swishing, counting and shaking, but you won't ever have to recharge its battery." -- New York Times "The conceit of this clever picture book is that the changing seasons occur as if by magic. Readers are shown a bare brown tree and are implored to, "Tap it once. Turn the page to see." As they do, green leaves appear...Simply a treasure to behold." -- School Library Journal "Although simple in presentation with ample white space, the artwork provides a glorious rendition of the four seasons of a tree. No iPad is needed to make this interactive book totally satisfying." -- Booklist "Take an apple tree through the seasons by tapping, brushing, shaking, and clapping... It's a good on-the-way-to-bed activity." -- Publishers Weekly "Matheson invites readers to take an apple tree through a seasonal round using taps and page turns in place of touch-screens... A universal theme, developed in an unusually clean, simple presentation." -- Kirkus Reviews