Reading this book is like eating a fizzy sour jelly: it tickles the senses and sparks energy. Its central question – what should you do today? – is represented in teeming illustrations, rhyming instructions and further questions encouraging children to be intrepid with their day.
Children's Books Ireland
There is an urgent message of Carpe Diem that runs through this beautiful picture book which is about being positive, affirmative, upbeat and actively involved with all opportunities. […] I look forward to trying out this energetic picture book with a group of young children and taking time to enjoy the simple repetitive text as well as looking more closely at the detail in the plentiful illustrations.
The Letterpress Project
Biographical note
Sally Lloyd-Jones is the author of His Royal Tinyness, illustrated by David Roberts, Skip to the Loo, My Darling!, illustrated by Anita Jeram, Handbag Friends, illustrated by Sue Heap, and Time to Say Goodnight as well as How To Be a Baby, by Me, the Big Sister which was in the New York Times bestseller list, and its sequel How to Get Married. Sally lives in New York City. Find her online at and on Twitter as @sallylloydjones.
Kevin Waldron is an Irish illustrator. His first picture book Mr Peek and the Misunderstanding at the Zoo was published by Templar, shortlisted for the "Read It Again!" Cambridgeshire Children’s Picture Book Award, and got great reviews: "Interesting and unusual" – The Daily Telegraph; "An extraordinarily cheering read for blunderers of all ages and is illustrated with energetic gaiety and humour" – The Observer. He divides his time between New York and London.