"Proves you don't need apps for interactivity. [A] child makes the seasons change by following Matheson's instructions; each turned page shows the result. You can imagine this book wearing out after repeated tapping, swishing, counting and shaking, but you won't ever have to recharge its battery." -- New York Times "The conceit of this clever picture book is that the changing seasons occur as if by magic. Readers are shown a bare brown tree and are implored to, "Tap it once. Turn the page to see." As they do, green leaves appear...Simply a treasure to behold." -- School Library Journal "Matheson invites readers to take an apple tree through a seasonal round using taps and page turns in place of touch-screens... A universal theme, developed in an unusually clean, simple presentation...and, at least, with no need for batteries." -- Kirkus Reviews "Take an apple tree through the seasons by tapping, brushing, shaking, and clapping... It's a good on-the-way-to-bed activity." -- Publishers Weekly "Although simple in presentation with ample white space, the artwork provides a glorious rendition of the four seasons of a tree. No iPad is needed to make this interactive book totally satisfying." -- Booklist