"Proves you don't need apps for interactivity. [A] child makes the seasons change by following Matheson's instructions; each turned page shows the result. You can imagine this book wearing out after repeated tapping, swishing, counting and shaking, but you won't ever have to recharge its battery." -- New York Times "The conceit of this clever picture book is that the changing seasons occur as if by magic. Readers are shown a bare brown tree and are implored to, "Tap it once. Turn the page to see." As they do, green leaves appear...Simply a treasure to behold." -- School Library Journal "Matheson invites readers to take an apple tree through a seasonal round using taps and page turns in place of touch-screens... A universal theme, developed in an unusually clean, simple presentation...and, at least, with no need for batteries." -- Kirkus Reviews "Take an apple tree through the seasons by tapping, brushing, shaking, and clapping... It's a good on-the-way-to-bed activity." -- Publishers Weekly "Although simple in presentation with ample white space, the artwork provides a glorious rendition of the four seasons of a tree. No iPad is needed to make this interactive book totally satisfying." -- Booklist

One brown tree stands lonely and bare. But when readers open this book, they bring magic with them. Tap the tree once, turn the page, and a bright green leaf has sprouted! Tap again-one, two, three, four - and four more leaves have grown on the next page. Pat, clap, wiggle, jiggle, and see blossoms bloom, apples grow, and the leaves swirl away with the autumn breeze. Christie Matheson's debut picture book is about the magic of the changing seasons, and the magic of turning a page. It focuses on nature and the seasons, striking watercolor and collage artwork, and interactive elements that are just right for young readers - Tree Magic is the perfect pick for preschool classrooms, story times, and parent-child reading time.
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Offers the magic of the changing seasons, and the magic of turning a page. This book focuses on nature and the seasons, striking watercolor and collage artwork, and interactive elements that are just right for young readers. It is suitable for preschool classrooms, story times, and parent-child reading time.
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There is magic in every tree.The tall, silent one in the woods.The small, bumpy one in the park.Even the bare brown tree in your backyard.As the seasons change, trees change, too.They sprout leaves. The leaves change color.Sometimes flowers bloom. Sometimes apples grow.Trees shelter birds and feed squirrels and bees.There is magic in every tree.And in this book, you become the magician.How?Tap, clap, wiggle, jiggle,and then . . .turn the page.
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Greenwillow Books
435 gr
241 mm
241 mm
J, 02
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Biographical note

Christie Matheson is the author and illustrator of the acclaimed Tap the Magic Tree and Touch the Brightest Star. She plants tiny seeds in her garden and in pots on her windowsills in San Francisco and New England.