[This] will soon be on school reading lists and examination syllabuses everywhere, as it has "<b>classic</b>" singing from every page ... A <b>joyous</b> shout of youthful exuberance ... Wheatle's Twain-like command of patois never falters ... Enriching and <b>life-affirming</b> ... A <b>total gem</b> for any age.
I love this book. It's <b>elegant, authentic and humane</b>. It hums with the beat of real life and the language sings from the page. This is mature, <b>powerful</b> writing by an author with great talent and great heart.
David Almond, Guardian Children's Fiction Prize judge
<b>Brilliant</b>, tough, <b>heartbreaking </b>read.
Tanya Landman, author of Buffalo Soldier, Carnegie medal winner
Funny, profane, well-observed accounts of life on an urban estate.
Sunday Times
Alex Wheatle captures the rhythm and movement of language though simile, humour and redefinitions of meaning . . . <i><b>Straight Outta Crongton</b></i><b> is a book full of humour and tenderness</b>.
Patrice Lawrence, the Guardian