<p><strong>Best Books For Children This Easter</strong></p>
<p>"If your child prefers fact to fiction...<em>The Story of Life</em> (Frances Lincoln, £12.99) by Catherine Barr, Steve Williams and Amy Husband is a simple, well-illustrated account of evolution."</p>
<p>"The book touches on very complex subjects, like the development of life from the first cells and man's evolution, but does so in a way that makes it understandable for those coming to these concepts for the first time."</p>
<p>"The book touches on very complex subjects, like the development of life from the first cells and man's evolution, but does so in a way that makes it understandable for those coming to these concepts for the first time."</p>
<p><b>Selected as a March highlight</b></p><p>'An exciting and dramatic introduction to evolution for young children, written in consultation with the Natural History Museum.'</p> <p><b>Best Books For Children This Easter</b></p><p>"If your child prefers fact to fiction...<i>The Story of Life</i> (Frances Lincoln, £ 12.99) by Catherine Barr, Steve Williams and Amy Husband is a simple, well-illustrated account of evolution."</p> Selected as a March highlight<br />‘ An exciting and dramatic introduction to evolution for young children, written in consultation with the Natural History Museum.'
Selected as a March highlight<br />‘An exciting and dramatic introduction to evolution for young children, written in consultation with the Natural History Museum.'
The Bookseller
'This book is a fantastic non fiction text to share with any curious children. It offers solutions to many early questions children may have regarding how the world started or even when dinosaurs died.'
Reading Zone
Biographical note
Catherine Barr worked at Greenpeace International for seven years as a wildlife and forestry campaigner and has a long-running interest in environmental issues. While working as an editor at the Natural History Museum, she researched and wrote two major summer exhibitions: Dinosaurs of the Gobi Desert and Myths and Monsters. Her previous books for Frances Lincoln Children's Books include The Story of Inventions, The Story of Life and The Story of Climate Change. She lives on a hill near Hay-on-Wye in Herefordshire with her partner and two daughters.
Steve Williams is a biologist with a degree in Marine Biology and Applied Zoology. His lifelong love of wildlife was further inspired by eight years at sea, and he now teaches science in a school in Wales. He is a beekeeper and lives near Hay-on-Wye with his wife and two daughters.
Amy Husband studied Graphic Art at Liverpool School of Art. Her first picture book, Dear Miss, was winner of the Cambridgeshire Children’s Picture Book Award in 2010, and she also wrote and illustrated Dear Santa, in the same series. Amy lives in the East Yorkshire countryside with her husband James, working from her home studio.