Engineering meets architecture and history in this mesmerising book. […] s. The balance between sweeping history and technical nitty-gritty is perfectly judged, and detail-hungry kids will love exploring the cross[1]sections of iconic buildings and pondering on the different types of brickwork. Brilliant!
- Children’s Books Ireland, Building Communities’ reading list
Biographical note
Patrick Dillon is an architect and historian. He is the author of The Story of Britain, a narrative history for children, and of two highly acclaimed history books for adults: The Last Revolution and The Much-Lamented Death of Madam Geneva. Patrick lives in London, SW11, with his family.
Stephen Biesty loves history, architecture and drawing. These three interests led to his first book for children, the internationally bestselling Incredible Cross-Sections which has sold over a million copies worldwide. He has illustrated many others, including Great Explorers, Incredible Explosions and Rome in Spectacular Cross-Section. Stephen lives in Somerset with his family.