Biographical note
Devon Sillett is a former radio producer, turned writer and reviewer. Born in the US, Devon now calls Australia home. She has loved books as long as she can remember — so much so that she even married her husband Matthew in a library! Currently, she teaches in the writing department at the University of Canberra, where she is also a PhD student, researching Australian children’s picture books. If she isn’t writing or reading, you’ll find her playing Lego or hide-and-seek with her two young sons, Jay and Aaron. Her first picture book, The Leaky Story, was published by EK in 2017. She is also the author of Saying Goodbye to Barkley (2019, EK Books) and Scaredy Book (2020, EK Books)
Nicky Johnston is an educator, speaker and author/illustrator of children’s books. She is passionate about promoting emotional resilience in children and raising awareness of mental health issues. Her love of teaching sees her kept busy with school visits and presenting at workshops and conferences. Her previous titles with EK Books are 'Grandma Forgets', 'The Fix-It Man' and 'At the End of Holyrood Lane’.