Biographical note
Pamela Butchart (Author)
Pamela lives in Dundee with her baby boy and their two awesome cats, Bear & Carlos. If she wasn't working as a writer and a teacher she'd like to open a luxury hotel for stray cats.
As a child, Pamela was lucky enough to grow up in a house full of pets and go to a primary school where lots of spooky and weird things happened (well, in her imagination at least). As a student, Pamela's student jobs included: fishwife, teaching basketball in America, phlebotomist and Artist Liaison for a (really bad) Abba tribute band.
Her top selling stories include The Spy Who Loved School Dinners which won the Blue Peter Best Story Award and My Head Teacher is a Vampire Rat which won The Children's Book Award. Two of her books, Petunia Perry and the Curse of the Ugly Pigeon and There's a Werewolf in My Tent, were shortlisted for the Lollies - the Laugh Out Loud Awards.
Gemma Correll (Illustrator)
Gemma was born in Suffolk in 1984. She went to school, where she spent most of her time drawing, cutting out and sticking and making her own comics, and wearing 'My Little Pony' rollerskates. Twenty-four years later, she's still drawing, making collages and producing comics but, sadly, the rollerskates no longer fit.
Gemma graduated from the Norwich school of Art and Design in 2006 with a BA (hons) degree in Graphic Design, specialising in Illustration. She now works as a freelance illustrator.