The Owl and the Cactus by Hannah Dawn Gold is an illustrated tale of exploration and friendship for children who are setting out on their own adventures in life. This light-hearted story follows the adventures of a very small owl, as he takes his first tentative flight in his desert home, encounters challenges and eventually finds his way home. In a big world, sometimes things can go wrong for even the bravest explorer. When Owl finds himself in need of help, he discovers that everyone is important, including people who are quiet, shy and could be easy to pass by, because ‘Even the smallest people can know important things!’ Sometimes when we’re whizzing around in excitement, chasing the next achievement, we can overlook what’s around us. In a busy world, even young children can sometimes feel pressure. The Owl and the Cactus gently guides readers to understand that it is good to try new things, getting caught up in the thrill of success and it is also fine to stop, take a breath when we need to and ask for help. The wish to explore and grow is encouraged and supported in this book, balanced with the lesson that sometimes growing up can be challenging and the world can be a scary place when things aren’t going our way, but when we are willing to listen, even to those who seem different to us then friendship can be found at any moment, even when we think we are alone. The young owl’s first flight introduces the natural world to children as a home to be appreciated, not just rushed past. As the youngster finds his confidence, he discovers that nature can show us valuable things. Hannah writes, ‘I will tell you a secret about all living things, it may help you to know, when finding your wings! The wind, the moon, the stars and stones, all are telling the story of our wild desert home. All of them have something to say, if you ask them and listen, they will show you the way.’ While Owl finds out about looking at the sky, his discoveries open the idea that the stars can show us where we are going. Something children can use to begin a learning journey of their own if they wish, or just smile at the safe return of the owl to his home.  As a visually pleasing story about a lovable character, The Owl and the Cactus will have broad appeal to children of differing reading capabilities. Children starting on their reading journeys are sure to find the imagery and fun factor pleasing and can use this book to develop their reading skills. More capable readers can enjoy the layers of meaning that provide on-going learning opportunities. The writing style offers both ease of reading, with rhymes and short sentences, together with some more challenging words and concepts to keep minds occupied and hold interest into the future. This is a book that you can enjoy with your little ones, which will help them grow, while chuckling together about the antics of the very small owl. It will be a favourite on the bookshelf for years to come!  Hannah’s illustrations provide a rich visual backdrop depicting the young explorer and the range of creatures he encounters on his travels. The Owl and the Cactus is an ideal story to inspire the confidence of young readers in making friends and finding their own wings. With varied additional activities to stimulate interest, there is plenty here to occupy young minds. The full colour pictures and fun, rhyming style make this book suitable for a wide range of children with different reading levels as it provides both visual and auditory enjoyment, different types of learning opportunities and a positive approach to overcoming difficulties. After all, ‘You’re never too small to know how to fly!’
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Brown Dog Books
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Biographical note

Hannah Dawn Gold grew up inspired by a deep love of nature and the beautiful children’s books she recalls being given to enjoy from a young age. Being taught how to read, write and draw by her mother, as soon as she was able to hold a crayon in her hand, was the beginning of a lifelong love of writing, painting and illustrating.

Hannah first began completing painting commissions while still a teenager and has now moved on to illustrating her own books, with a focus upon subject matter that reveals the depth of beauty in the natural world. Motivated by sharing with children the same confidence and wonder that reading gave her as a child, she creates books and art that aim to inspire young readers.

Hannah lives in the UK with her dog Monty, where she travels with him at her side in search of new stories to tell that portray the magic of the wild world. Together they have various creative projects planned, including forthcoming books.

You can find out more about Hannah and her work at her websites: or www.thenomad’

Alternatively, you can follow her on social media:

Facebook: The Nomad’s Hearth

Instagram: Monty.Adventures