<p>Included in <i><b>Sheen Magazine</b></i>'s Affirming Back To School Book List for Young Readers</p><p>"Featuring the honest and delightful humor of debut author/storyteller Angela Shanté and the bold, graphic imagery of debut artist/illustrator Alison Hawkins, <i>The Noisy Classroom</i> encourages children with those first-day jitters to reevaluate a scary situation by looking at it from a different angle and to embrace how fun school can be, even in nontraditional ways. . . Entertaining, charming, and with a significant underlying and positive 'kid friendly' message."<br />--<b><i>Children's Bookwatch</i></b></p><p><i>"Cartoon-style illustrations depict a diverse group of classmates, and show their humorous facial expressions. . . nontraditional teaching and learning style of Ms. Johnson's classroom is appealing."<br />--<b><i>School Library Journal</i></b></i></p><p><i>"This is a great back-to-school read, especially for any little who may be anxious about a new classroom and a new teacher. It's also a perfect book to gift a *new* teacher--as it encourages innovation in teaching and portrays the positive impact a creative and dedicated teacher can have on a student's attitude toward learning."<br />--<b><i>MaiStoryBook</i></b></i><i> (blog)</i></p><p><i>"Are you looking for a book to help children with their first-day-of-school jitters, or perhaps one about adjusting to a new teacher? This book succeeds on both fronts, delivering an encouraging story about braving new experiences. . . A nice selection for anyone transitioning into a nontraditional learning environment."<br />--<b><i>Booklist</i></b></i></p><p><i>"Caregivers who are hoping to start a conversation on managing classroom fears would find this book a great place to start. . . A noisy classroom turns out to be a delightful place to learn."<br />--<b><i>Kirkus Reviews</i></b></i></p>