This harrowing account of a sexual assault is one in a long line of vital YA books that speak out for teen victims. Growing out of Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak and Louise O'Neill's Asking For It, <i>No Virgin</i> tackles the muddy aftermath of rape, what it means to talk about it out loud, and what it means to tell your story
Buzzfeed UK
What <i>No Virgin</i> does highlight is the power and privilege of the white middle class male. Something that sadly is relevant in too many rape cases - in particular cases that have hit to news in the past couple of months (...) <i>No Virgin</i> is brilliant. No one could ever accuse Anne Cassidy of shying away from hard, difficult but important issues and <i>No Virgin</i> is a prime example of this
Lisa Talks About
This harrowing account of a sexual assault is one in a long line of vital YA books that speak out for teen victims. Growing out of Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak and Louise O'Neill's Asking For It, No Virgin tackles the muddy aftermath of rape, what it means to talk about it out loud, and what it means to tell your story
Love Reading 4 Kids
Cassidy really gets into the mindset of the victim in this book....gets under your skin and takes an unflinching look at rape victims and blame culture. It's an important read, and I'd recommend you pick it up
Maia and a Little More
This has been a quick and short read that talks about the difficult subject of rape. I believe that this is a powerful novel, and it shows you how it really is from the perspective of the victim of sexual assault
My Trending Stories
The opening sentences of the book had me instantly drawn in and hooked. God, it really does pack a punch. Raw emotion and heart ache and unfortunately a real life and horrifying situation
The Book Geek Wears Pyjamas
I definitely recommend reading this to put yourself in Stacey's shoes and to not make the same mistakes as she did
Louise Loves Books
<i>No Virgin</i> is heartbreaking but so wonderfully written. I couldn't stop turning the pages. This is a raw powerful novel that I very highly recommend
I Read Novels
This is an important and prescient novel that needs to be highlighted and discussed. No Virgin takes an honest look at what it is to be a teenage girl making decisions that have consequences. A deeply personalised account about consent and safety, with character who are unashamedly real, this book is suitable for young adult readers and up
Inis Reading Guide
I will recommend this novel to any other teenager I know, as it will help many view life differently and will show some the warning signs so they can avoid making the same mistakes that she did. It shows that rape is not black and white and there is no right way to deal with something that should not happening - but that if you accept the fact that it is not your fault, then dealing with it will be much easier
The Bookbag
A seventeen-year-old girl battles with herself as she tries to decide if she can bring herself to report her rape.
100% Rock Magazine, Australia
The harrowing, traumatic and compelling narrative of seventeen year old Stacey, the victim of rape.
Diva Book Nerd Australia
a novel that shows the impact of rape in a raw and gritty way that will stay with you long after the final page.
Written Word Worlds Australia
It's a difficult topic but such an important one. It's obvious that Cassidy really understands what makes teenagers tick. She successfully explores the mind-set of a young rape victim and the blame culture that surrounds sexual assault. If you're a fan of gritty, realistic YA fiction, you won't want to put this down. Everyone should read it.
Armadillo Magazine
raw, hard hitting and beautiful written. Cassidy has written a hugely powerful book...his book was beautiful, sad and changed my life, literally.
For The Novel Lovers
gut wrenchingly well written
School Library Journal