Biographical note
Emily Ann Davison (Author)
Emily spent her childhood writing poems and stories. It's therefore no surprise that she became an author, it just took her a little while to get there.
As a grown up, Emily worked with young children for many years, and her passion for children's books grew and grew and GREW, until one day, a story idea POPPED into her head. Now the ideas won't stop popping! When she isn't writing, she can be found tinkling on the piano or at her local primary school, where she helps with reading.
Emily lives in the Garden of England, Kent, with her daughter and husband. She is never seen without a cup of tea.
Deborah Allwright (Illustrator)
Deborah started illustrating as a child and now has more than 40 picture books and several awards with her name on them. She lives in London with her partner and two cats and when she's not drawing, painting or snipping paper, you'll find her messing around with horses, messing around in the sea, or searching for bats and moths.