<p>“The plot was hilarious and the ending was brilliant and unexpected” – Eloise Mae, age 11, Lovereading4kids</p>
<p>“One of the funniest books I’ve read… Seriously hilarious” – Abigail, age 11, Lovereading4kids</p>
<p>“Makes me glad my dad is nothing like this dad, although he is still very embarrassing” – Emma, age 7 Lovereading4kids</p>
Biographical note
Nigel Smith has been a journalist, busker, TV comedy producer and script writer, winning an award for his BBC 4 radio comedy, VENT. More importantly, he has been – and still is – an embarrassing Dad. Much like Nathalia Buttface, his three children are continually mortified by his ill-advised trousers, comedic hats, low quality jokes, poorly chosen motor vehicles, unique sense of direction and unfortunate ukulele playing. Unlike his hero Ivor Bumole, he doesn’t write Christmas cracker jokes for a living. Yet.