Presented in a Moleskineesque format, told from multiple viewpoints and scattered with intriguing illustrations, Gardner's novel is a unique and complex reading experience about the search for love, surprising the reader at every turn.
The Bookseller
My Side of the Diamond is a fascinating book - part science fiction, part social commentary - an unlikely blend that works in an enthralling way, making this a book I couldn't put down! The lifestyle differences of Becky and Jazmin are highlighted, but you never get a sense of 'preaching' about their relative differences. Becky's response to the charismatic alien - and her subsequent disappearance seem all too possible, as does the portrayal of the sinister, all too believable, government agents trying to keep a lid on and control all the activity. A unique book - thank you Sally!
Tricia Adams, Director of the School Library Association
Bizarre and brilliant, Gardner demonstrates her narrative dexterity as she shuffles and reshuffles the cards that holds up her thrilling story without bringing it tumbling down. I haven't read anything else quite like it
Kiran Millwood-Hargrave, bestselling author of The Girl Of Ink and Stars
A new book by Sally Gardner is always a cause for celebration and My Side of the Diamond certainly lives up to my expectations. The story is told through a series of interviews giving us the chance to discover the innermost thoughts of all the main characters. This beautiful book shows the true meaning of love in all its forms and what it means to be human. I read until very late into the night because I could not bear to put the book down
Jane Etheridge, Chair Federation of Children's Book Groups
Absolutely wonderful, with likeable and sensible adults (well, there is the odd exception), and a genuine mystery as to what might have happened; both this time and the strange goings-on in the past. There's not enough intelligent science fiction in YA, especially with romance
Book Witch
A heartwarming explanation of love, humanity and more besides: if sci-fi is your thing, then this will be too
The Roaring Bookworm
The book went into a direction that I would never of guessed, which kept me gripped in the story. This book is the perfect one sit wonder, I read it in a couple of hours
Dyslexic Reader
Once you scratch under its surface, it's clear that <i>My Side of the Diamond </i>is another gem from Sally Gardner
Children's Books Ireland
With detailed and intriguing illustrations, this mysterious tale will fascinate. A quirky and unusual science fiction romance for fans of Stranger Things
South Wales Evening Post
The sense of the extraordinary is heightened and enhanced by the atmospheric illustrations from Nat Barlex. As one might expect from this author, this is a rich imaginative narrative that may not appeal to all, but is certainly worth reading, and recommending
Books For Keeps
Riveting reads for the 12-plus age group include My Side of the Diamond. Vintage Sally Gardner, its mixture of class conflict, forbidden friendship and alien abduction shouldn't work but it does, thanks to her peerless originality
New Statesman
Replete with arresting phrases and elegant imagery; the other world that Icarus hails from is only briefly hinted at but is still lusciously enticing
Literary Review
A punchy thriller to fill festive downtime... <b>My Side of the Diamond</b> will entice fans of The X-Files and Stranger Things. The golem myth tangles with otherworldly encounters and conspiracy theories
Innovative and interesting
Armadillo Magazine
<p>It's an incredibly satisfying read that, at just over 200 pages, also reminds us<br /> that the level of complexity in fiction is rarely proportional to its length</p>
Irish Times
Sally Gardner has created an astonishing meditation on love in this bizarre and twisting tale of aliens, a teenage bestselling novelist and dysfunctional families. No doubt <i>My Side of the Diamond </i>is going to be a frequent award nominee, but more importantly, many readers will discover a story that will challenge them every exciting step of the way
Carousel Magazine
This young adult science fiction novel will take your breath away. It is heart-breaking, terrifying, uplifting, thought-provoking and beautifully constructed. Its secrets are revealed very gradually, as multiple narrators help to join together the pieces of a complex puzzle - and the story will haunt you long after the last page is finished