Joshua Seigal is a young, talented poet. He understands what appeals to young children, what makes them laugh and what concerns them. His poems are rhythmical with many inviting the reader to join in. He's a bright new flame on the children's poetry scene.
- Brian Moses,
Joshua Seigal is a rising star in the children’s poetry world and this new collection of his poems will be a real crowd-pleaser.
- Andrea Reece,
This is a little gem of a poetry book, perfect for any household and school. Joshua Seigal is definitely my new favourite poet.
- Sarah Gallagher, Books for Keeps
<i>Little Lemur Laughing </i>is a wonderful book of poems by Joshua Seigal. It is full of funny rhymes and silly sounds which makes it great to share.
- The Publishers Association,
It’s poems like these that ensure children just love poetry.
With lots of examples of how a poet uses poetic techniques with flair, this collection is a must have for every classroom!
- The Book Blog, North Somerset Teachers' Book Award,
Biographical note
Joshua Seigal is an internationally renowned poet, performer and educator. His first book with Bloomsbury, I Don’t Like Poetry, was nominated for the Laugh Out Loud Award, an award Joshua has subsequently won twice. He is also a recipient of The People’s Book Prize, and has performed at schools and festivals around the world, including the Edinburgh Book Festival, the Cheltenham Literature Festival, and the Emirates Literature Festival. He is an Official Ambassador for National Poetry Day, and has been commissioned to write and perform for the BBC. He can normally be found running poetry workshops and performances in schools, either online or in real life. His website is
Chris Piascik started his career as a graphic designer at award-winning studios in the Northeast USA before accidentally becoming an illustrator. This strange transformation was the result of his daily drawing project that he started in late 2007 and, in fact, he's still posting a new drawing every day.