A magical, accessible adventure that journeys through worlds to the Lighthouse on the Isle of Illusion for a dramatic conclusion.
WRD Magazine
Amy Sparkes has a wonderful way of making her readers feel they are truly part of Nine’s journey, a chronicle about developing a sense of belonging, about the importance of friendship, about one’s family being what you make, rather than those you are related to, and about redemption and embracing differences.
Red Reading Hub
This last book is as fabulous and imaginative and wonderous as the first one. It is more than just a fun adventure for kids. It's about the sense of belonging, about redemption, secrets, about family being what you make of it and not always who you're related to, about friendship, and about embracing your differences.
NetGalley Reviewer
The Lighthouse at the World's End brings this comic, magical series to a great end… a very satisfying way for the series to wrap up, perfect for lower MG readers looking to test their reading skills.
NetGalley Reviewer
A real treat full of wit, wisdom and fantastical magic… Amy's writing is as fresh and quirky as ever.
Toppsta Reviewer