<p>Written by favourite authors, these are well worth collecting and are just the thing for children ready for reading.</p>
- Andrea Reece, Lovereading4kids
<p>My six-year-old, THE BOSS has just found her reading rhythm... THE BOSS got her hands on Bloomsbury Young Readers and suddenly, her reading took off. These are proper stories that are a manageable step up from picture books, while keeping all the colour and fun.</p>
- Leisa Stewart-Sharpe, My Book Corner
Biographical note
Tony Bradman is an award-winning author who has been involved in children's books for 35 years. He has written for all ages – poetry, picture books, young fiction, novels – and for many reading schemes. Tony has edited many anthologies of poetry and short stories, has been a judge on several major book prizes, and is a regular reviewer of children's and young adult fiction for The Guardian books pages. Tony has three children, three grandchildren, and lives in London with his wife and Betty the Border Terrier – which makes him the third most important person in the house.
Yvonne Campedel is an illustrator and graphic designer from Italy specialising in children's books and educational publishing. She graduated in 2014 from the CSD Poliarte in Ancona with a major in graphic design and has a masters in editorial illustration from the illustration school Ars in Fabula in Macerata.