"A vivid and powerful story centred around the struggles of a young enslaved woman who is determined to stand up for herself and fight for what is right, often in the face of danger and cruelty. Another tour de force by Alex Wheatle a truly gifted storyteller"
- David Olusoga,
"[A] stunning historical adventure … Wheatle has a big heart, an easy style and natural empathy"
The Times, Children's Book of the Week
"A thrilling YA pirate adventure, filled with the grimmest details of history and a joyous sense of what happens when the oppressed are empowered"
"A thrilling high seas adventure… Kemosha’s indomitable spirit, determination and wit make for an unforgettable heroine"
"There's pirates, cut-throats and swashbuckling action, but the star turn is the fierce and unforgettable heroine in pursuit of her freedom and the girl she loves"
The Bookseller, Editor's Choice