It's not often that you come across a children's book with a voice as strong as Bishop's unique spin on the super kids genre. His quippy conversational style of writing is perfect for parents reading to their younger kids and smart enough to keep young readers interested on their own. Providing the perfect sidekick to Bishop's text is Rikin Parekh's fun and quirky illustrations. One part Quentin Blake and one part Dr Seuss, Parkeh's depictions of Bishop's crazy world are perfectly in tune with the voice and feel of story and really help bring the story of Iguana Boy to life. Of all the child superheroes on the bookshelf, if I was a cat stuck up a tree I'd definitely want Dylan (sorry, Iguana Boy) to rescue me.
Starburst Magazine
Very funny and slightly bonkers, action packed story. Great for newly developing readers.
Primary Times bound to be popular with lovers of humorous stories
Armadillo Magazine
Crazy illustrations by Rikin Parekh are the perfect complement to the story. The chatty writing style makes this book great to read aloud, so parents have a good excuse to share the fun!
Parents in Touch
This hilarious book is perfect for any reader who has ever wondered who would win in a battle between platypuses and iguanas. Packed full of brilliant, comic-strip illustrations by Rikin Parekh, this energetic, funny story with heart has a similar appeal to Despicable Me, or <i>My Brother is a Superhero</i>.
<i>A brilliant book best summed up by its brilliant title.</i>
The School Run
Biographical note
James Bishop (Author)
James was born in Oxfordshire - he is incredibly proud that after 32 years, he has managed to move one town over from where he was raised (although he does feel homesick). His previous work includes writing credits on Diddy TV and Gigglebiz, as well as "successfully" convincing 90's pop act Hanson to play at his wedding. Well, they didn't actually play, but they sent him on a honeymoon to Jamaica which James thinks is even better. James spends his spare time thinking of inventive ways to engineer more spare time for himself ... so far unsuccessfully.
Rikin Parekh (Illustrator)
Rikin Parekh is a children's book illustrator based in North West London. He has two art degrees from Camberwell College of Arts and the University of Westminster. His past jobs include working in a primary school and as a film production illustrator on monster movies. Rikin has a vast collection of comic books and comic art and he LOVES eating pizza ... any time, any place! Therefore, you could say Rikin was a match made in pizza heaven for Iguana Boy!