'Never has a book lived up to its title, or been as deserving of so many accolades, as <i>Have Pride</i> ... Everything about this book is outstanding and cleverly designed to not only inspire but also to engage and empower young people ... This positive, celebratory, inspirational book highlights how far we've come and offers hope for the future. <i>Have Pride</i> is, without a doubt, the most important book you will ever buy for your school library'
- Eileen Armstrong, ReadingZone.com,
'<i>Have Pride</i> offers an inspirational history of the LGBTQ+ movement in glorious rainbow technicolour'
Big Issue North
'A bold, bright and unapologetic history of the LGBTQ+ movement'
Unite UK1
'A must read for anyone who questions why we have pride'
LGBT+ History Month
'Authoritative, comprehensive and fascinating progress through the ups and downs of LGBTQ+ history ... This is very much a book that will be read with pleasure and I hope with pride!'
Biographical note
Stella Caldwell (Author)
Brought up on a diet of Everlasting Gobstoppers and Snozzcumbers, Stella Caldwell has long admired the incredible writing of Roald Dahl. She studied English Literature at the University of Edinburgh, and is the author of many other books for children.
Sue Sanders (Consultant)
Sue Sanders is a prominent LGBTQ+ rights activist, Professor Emeritus of the Harvey Milk Institute, USA, and founder of LGBT History Month.