A fun spin on the classic tales of Sherlock Holmes, though far from Victorian London where the original stories were set ... <b>Genius</b>
The Week Junior
A <b>brilliant </b>reimagining of a classic
Little London
Supported by <b>great</b> illustrations throughout, the narrative gives <b>a humorous nod </b>to the original Holmes
The Book Activist
Mystery fans may try to solve the case, but most, like John, will <b>enjoy just hanging out with Shelby</b> to see what happens next
Biographical note
Elizabeth Eulberg was born and raised in Wisconsin before heading off to make a career in the New York City book biz. Now a full-time writer, she is the author of The Lonely Hearts Club, Prom & Prejudice, Take a Bow, Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality, Better Off Friends and We Can Work it Out.
elizabetheulberg.com / @ElizEulberg
Matt Robertson grew up in Suffolk and spent his childhood drawing and painting. He discovered a love of illustration at Art College in Ipswich and subsequently completed a degree in Children’s Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art. His work has been awarded the Dundee Picture Book Award 2017 and the Lara Jones Award 2014. Matt lives in Norwich with his wife Amy and two cats.
matttheillustrator.com / @drawingmatt